Music Department


Mrs. Kuehn,  Mr. Weiss and Mr. Gornick

Our philosophy is to provide a warm, supportive, and stimulating environment that encourages active responsibility for learning, promotes self-discipline, and develops teamwork. Our commitment is to nurture the development of young musicians.  Making music is a gift. We invite all students to enjoy that opportunity!


Emma Milton

Choir is a performance-based ensemble music course designed to teach students skills that help make them students college and career ready, including listening, communication, collaboration, critical thinking, emotional awareness and reflective learning. 


Mrs. Weber

Orchestra is a performance-based ensemble which focuses on the pedagogy of the violin, viola, cello and bass. Orchestra is a community of learning where students feel safe, valued, and part of a team. Making music, growing together in an ensemble setting, as well as individual growth are core beliefs in orchestra. All are welcome to join.