CELEBRATING NATIONAL SCHOOL BUS SAFETY WEEK!!! Thank you to our amazing bus drivers at Dousman Transport Company. We appreciate all that you do to keep our students safe. And remember, the stop sign is out for a reason!
5 months ago, KMSD
POP UP CRAFT SALE!!! Our Beyond 18 students will be having a pop up craft cart sale again this month! On Wednesday, October 23rd our young adults are stopping by various locations to sell this 8x10 canvas with a decorative paper and a puzzle piece pumpkin for $7 or $10 for two. Use the form below to get yours! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfkbxUNgYQdtiUujoQmFe29cXRZWPVlOrcgbcPY1dyEU0P5Nw/viewform
5 months ago, KMSD
KMMS PROVIDES THREE PROSTHETIC LEGS FOR AMPUTEES!!! Kelly Weske, has spent her summers working as an international mountain guide since 2012. Her employer also operates a non-profit that cares for children, adults and families with special needs and/or life-changing medical obstacles. Naturally, she has become involved in these efforts, helping to build an orphanage, medical and dental clinic, and woman's support center that is currently under construction. In 2022, they partnered with the nonprofit Hope to Walk to build a Prosthetic Center in Arusha, Tanzania. Ms. Weske was so moved by this work, she introduced their mission to her Healthy & Active Lifestyles students through participating in a virtual 5K fundraiser. Her students have become so invested in making a difference that they raised $750 dollars this year. That is enough to give three people the ability to walk through the use of prosthetic limbs!! Millions of amputees worldwide depend on wheelchairs and crutches, or even crawling, simply because commercial prosthetics ($10,000 - $25,000) are completely out of reach. Hope To Walk’s legs are locally produced, using available materials, for only $250! Thank you Kelly for inspiring our young learners to care about global health initiatives and have the incredible opportunity of changing lives!
5 months ago, KMSD
PEP BAND CONCERT/AUDITORIUM SOFT OPENING OCTOBER 22ND AT 7PM!!! Shhh…We won’t tell anyone if you tell everyone! Our renovated auditorium isn’t quite ready yet, but you are invited to the Kettle Moraine High School PEP BAND CONCERT in our beautifully-renovated auditorium! This will be the “soft opening," leading up to our grand opening, which is slated for January 21st. We still have some minor touch ups, equipment to install, and money to raise, but you and your friends can be the very first to sit in our cozy new seats, experience our incredible technical upgrades, and enjoy this upgraded venue! The Pep Band Concert will feature all of our KMHS band students as they perform audience favorites and new features from our fall pep band and athletic season. For more information on supporting music programs at KM through the Fine Arts Fund, please visit our fine arts page and band website found at kmsd.edu/fa. As always, the details for this event and others can be found on the band calendar, found on the website.
5 months ago, KMSD
KM DECA ANNUAL FOOD DRIVE! The annual food drive for KM DECA began on Tuesday, October 15th, and runs until Monday, October 28th this year. The drive has been happening annually at Kettle Moraine High School for over 50 years and we have expanded its positive effects on our community since then. Students who are a part of DECA or who are in one of Mr. Dellis' marketing classes have the opportunity to give back to their community by distributing bags for food donations in nearby neighborhoods and then collecting the filled bags to be transported to Waukesha Food Pantry to help those in need. We are very thankful to Pick 'N Save for providing the bags we use for collection and Target for providing the trailer that transports the food to Waukesha Food Pantry. Last year we collected 10,000 pounds of food and this year our goal is to collect 11,000 pounds! One important aspect of our DECA chapter is community service and the annual food drive is one of our many service activities. Stay tuned for our Holiday Drive coming soon!
5 months ago, KMHS Campus
KM deca food drive
VOTE FOR CAPTAIN LASER!!! JS Online is running a best mascot in the state contest. Vote here https://www.jsonline.com/story/sports/high-school/football/2024/10/14/vote-in-the-best-high-school-mascot-in-wisconsin-poll/75587168007/?.
5 months ago, KMSD
Capt laser
WALES AND EXPLORE CELEBRATE SUCCESSFUL COLOR RUN!!! Students raised such a significant amount of money through this year's Color Run, that the campus celebrated with an inflatable costume relay race featuring teachers. Thank you to everyone who participated or contributed to these wonderful events! Watch the video at https://vimeo.com/1019960678?share=copy#t=0.
5 months ago, KMSD
Color run
SIGN UP TO LEARN THE 9 SECRET WEAPONS OF RESILIENCY FOR PARENTS OF A TEENAGER!! Monday, October 21st 7:00 – 8:30pm at the Kettle Moraine High School Library. Parenting today is challenging, especially with managing social media, maintaining healthy communication skills, and conflict resolution in today's social climate. Deanna Marincic, MSW, LCSW, Founder/Owner Gals Institute LLC & Gals On The Go Project Foundation will be presenting practical ‘how-to’ tips to have a positive, respectful relationship with your teenager, and build resilient healthy relationships with yourself and others. Build a trusting relationship with your tween/teen. Sign up now at https://galsonthegoproject.networkforgood.com/events/77005-9-secret-weapons-of-resiliency-for-parents-of-a-teenager
5 months ago, KMSD
A FRIGHTFULLY FUN ADVENTURE!!! Each year, KM students play a major role in making Legends & Lore a fantastic Halloween experience! Their performative talents are showcased in a variety of skits depicting historical stories based on spooky characters. This perfect fall outing is set in the beautiful buildings and forests of Old World Wisconsin. Arrive earlier for family-friendly performances, or venture out after dark if you are looking for a scare. Legends & Lore is available October 18-19 & 25-26 from 5:30 – 9:30 PM! https://oldworldwisconsin.wisconsinhistory.org/
5 months ago, KMSD
5 months ago, KMSD
NAME THAT AUDITORIUM!!! Our auditorium renovation is getting close to completion, and it is time to start thinking about naming this beautiful venue. While we have a generous naming sponsor, their hope is that our students have ownership of the project and select the name. So we are calling on our KM Community to start the process by submitting your naming suggestions. The submission process will close November 20th. Then, our team will narrow down the options to a group of preferred names for students to vote on. The final name will be unveiled at our grand opening early next year. To submit your naming ideas, visit: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe-hz8SWDP2r2Vqyf5XI2MkYUG29ljEMe9VGxiqVyR3ql3URA/viewform?usp=sf_link
5 months ago, KMSD
KMHS ALUMNUS SETH GODIN BENEFITS FROM CAREER EXPLORATION IN HIGH SCHOOL!!! Seth Godin, son of our own Jenny Godin, signed on with Sentry Equipment right out of high school. He was featured in a GPS panel discussing the opportunities available for young people and now he is getting valuable job training and hands on experience in his role as a welder. To learn more about these opportunities https://www.fox6now.com/news/waukesha-county-sentry-equipment-manufacturing-day
5 months ago, KMSD
GIRLS TENNIS PLAYERS HEADED TO STATE!!! Ella Wagner, Josie Sueflohn, Ava Theodorakis, and Mira Derrig will be representing the Lasers in individual play at the state tournament in Madison. Congratulations ladies!
5 months ago, KMSD
HOMECOMING DANCE!!! The dance last night was jumping. Students thoroughly enjoyed the disco-themed event and did a stellar job of recreating this era in their decor. Thank you Andi Kornowski for the great photos, for being so generous with your time, and for always supporting KM students!
5 months ago, KMSD
PARADE PICS ROUND THREE!!! Thank you Mike Brickl.
5 months ago, KMSD
PARADE PICS ROUND TWO!!! Mike Brickl captured the spirit of the day beautifully.
5 months ago, KMSD
PREGAME!! The sky was perfect last night during warm ups. I'd like to give a special shout out to Ryan Tomczyk for carting me around, Roger Olson for capturing game photos, Mike Brickl for grabbing lifestyle photos, Scott Curty for his incredible video work, and Jackie Timm and Kelsee Stellplfug for coordinating parking. We have a great team at KM!
5 months ago, KMSD
PARADE PICS ROUND ONE!!! The parade is always a homecoming highlight for our KM Community and last night was no exception. Thank you to everyone who came out to watch, volunteer, and participate!
5 months ago, KMSD
KM CHEER AND DANCE BROUGHT THE FIRE!!! These ladies are the epitome of school spirit. They are always finding new and creative ways to fire up our fans and support our schools. Thank you for all that you do, and thank you Lauren for the great photos!
5 months ago, KMSD
KMHS HOMECOMING PEP RALLY!!! The fun started with a traditional KM drum line that led students to the west gym to watch cheer and dance routines, a powder puff squad performance and then participate in a number of games like head and tails, toilet paper mummy, dizzy bat race, hula hoop line, and more. Homecoming court was introduced, followed by our annual class competitions in tug -o-war and class chants. The annual event was a great way to fire students up for all of the homecoming activities. Thank you to the many staff members who go above and beyond to coordinate these events and make them special for our students!
5 months ago, KMSD