KM AT MUSKEGO THURSDAY NIGHT!!! Watch the livestream at
6 months ago, KMSD
GET YOUR HOMECOMING GEAR AND BEAT THE RUSH!!! The Laser Locker has lots of great merchandise to support KM!
6 months ago, KMSD
PLAY IT FORWARD DOUBLES TOURNAMENT – NEW DATE SUNDAY 10/13!!! Our 4th Annual Play it Forward Doubles Tournament will be held on Sunday, October 13, 2024. Times TBD based on number of registrants, but plan on an all day event starting at 10AM. There will be timed and/or tiebreaker pool play (lots of quick matches!) followed by seeded bracket play. Timeframes and format will be emailed to participants, after registration has closed. To participate in this tournament, please register at, and pay through the KMTA Venmo account (@KMtennis-pickleball) or via check. [$30/player, $60/team].
6 months ago, KMSD
KM TO LAUNCH 6-12 BOWLING PROGRAM!!!The Kettle Moraine School District is excited to announce that we will expand our High School bowling team into a community education bowling program that will allow middle schoolers to participate. To learn more and contribute to the development of program goals, advisory board, and budgets, join us on October 17th, 2024 at 7:00pm in the Kettle Moraine High School Laser Room, The goal of the meeting is to explain how an advisory board will operate, generate interest, and determine how we can better assist the community.
6 months ago, KMSD
THINGS ARE LOOKING BRIGHTER!!! Thank you to Holly Hoffe for sharing these beautiful photos of KMHS and Vock Field at Culver's Stadium. Don't forget to join us tomorrow night at 7:00 pm as the Lasers take on Mukwonago at home.
6 months ago, KMSD
6 months ago, KMSD
JOIN US FRIDAY NIGHT (9/27) AT VOCK FIELD AS KM TAKES ON MUKWONAGO!!! Kick off is at 7:00 pm and we are ready for an exciting night of football! Live coverage is available on My24!
6 months ago, KMSD
Game Day
KMMPA HOMECOMING CHILI/MAC & CHEESE DINNER!!! Kettle Moraine Music Parents is once again hosting the Homecoming Chili/Mac N Cheese Dinner on October 11th from 4pm - 7pm at the KM High School cafeteria. Volunteers are needed, so please sign up at We need your help to make this year's event successful. This is our biggest fundraising event of the year and 100% of the proceeds go directly back into supporting music programs in KMSD. We look forward to seeing you on Oct 11th. Please contact us with any questions at
6 months ago, KMSD
chili mac
JOIN US FRIDAY FOR ALL OF THE HOMECOMING FESTIVITIES!!!! KM will take on Pewaukee Friday, October 11 after another fun-filled day of homecoming festivities. The evening will start with the annual KM Music Parent's chili and mac 'n cheese dinner from 4-7pm, the parade will start at 5:15pm, and 7:00 will kick off some exciting football at Vock Field in Culver's Stadium. We hope to see our entire KM Community there!!
6 months ago, KMSD
THE HOMECOMING PARADE WILL BE EVEN BETTER (AND LONGER) THIS YEAR!!! We have expanded our parade route to accommodate all of the amazing clubs and activities that will be participating. The parade will start at Wales Elementary at 5:15 on Friday, October 11!!
6 months ago, KMSD
Circumstances require that we push all homecoming activities out two weeks (10/7-10/12). The game will now be held on 10/11 against Pewaukee, our next home game after Friday. The dance will take place on 10/12. The high school has been closed for the week due to extensive flooding. This has severely impacted planning, staffing, and facilities for these activities. We have determined the location of the collapsed pipe and the damage will be repaired this afternoon. Restoration and environmental cleaning services remain on site remediating water damage. We realize the impact that this unforeseen emergency has had on our KM Community. Thank you for your patience as we work to make our school safe and fully functional for our students and community.
6 months ago, KMSD
HOCO date
SIGN UP TO LEARN THE 9 SECRET WEAPONS OF RESILIENCY FOR PARENTS OF A TEENAGER!! Monday, October 21st 7:00 – 8:30pm at the Kettle Moraine High School Library. Parenting today is challenging, especially with managing social media, maintaining healthy communication skills, and conflict resolution in today's social climate. Deanna Marincic, MSW, LCSW, Founder/Owner Gals Institute LLC & Gals On The Go Project Foundation will be presenting practical ‘how-to’ tips to have a positive, respectful relationship with your teenager, and build resilient healthy relationships with yourself and others. Build a trusting relationship with your tween/teen. Sign up now at
6 months ago, KMSD
SUPPORT OUR KM VOLLEYBALL FAMILY!!! WE NEED YOUR HELP!!! Kettle Moraine Girls Volleyball is running a fundraiser through the end of day Wednesday, 9/25. All shirt proceeds will help support a player whose family is dealing with a tremendous loss. Please purchase a shirt and fill the gym with gold for our games on Tuesday, 10/1 and 10/15 to show your support!! Order now at
6 months ago, KMSD
TWO COMMENDED NATIONAL MERIT STUDENTS!!!! Congratulations to Devin Johnson of KMHS, and Delaney Eldridge of HS^2 for being recognized as commended students in the 2025 National Merit Scholarship Program. Commended students have demonstrated outstanding potential for academic success. About 34,000 Commended Students throughout the nation are being recognized for their exceptional academic promise. Although they will not continue in the 2025 competition for National Merit Scholarship awards, Commended Students placed among the top 50,000 students who entered the 2025 competition by taking the 2023 Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT®).
6 months ago, KMSD
CULVER'S CARES NIGHT WAS A SUCCESS!!! We had an amazing Best Buddies Culver's Cares night. Our awesome KM community really came through, raising close to $600! Thank you KM nation as well as Culver's for all of your support.
6 months ago, KMSD
HOMECOMING WEEK STARTS MONDAY!!! Get in on the school spirit with the following dress up days...
6 months ago, KMSD
Dress up
BRANDYBROOK AVAILABLE FOR BIDDING!! For Immediate Release: The Kettle Moraine School District is actively seeking bid proposals for the sale of the Brandybrook Elementary School Property (S11W29980 Summit Ave Waukesha, WI). More information can be found at The district property includes the Brandybrook School Structure and adjacent 78.73 acres, for a total of just over 82 acres. The combined parcels have been placed on the market as the KM School Board realigns the district's footprint with current enrollment trends while looking to maximize fiscal efficiency for taxpayers and the community. Sealed bids will be accepted on the property until 1pm on Thursday, October 31st and should be returned to Chief Financial Officer, John Stellmacher, at 563 AJ Allen Circle Wales, WI 53183. If you are interested in visiting the property or have questions, please contact John Stellmacher at or via telephone (262) 968-6300 x5303
6 months ago, KMSD
FREE TRY LACROSSE CLINIC OCTOBER 6TH 11-1 AT VOCK FIELD!! This clinic is a great opportunity for K-8 boys and girls to try lacrosse. Coaches will provide fun and interactive approaches to the game and teach students the fundamentals. See why lacrosse is growing so rapidly and become a part of our extremely competitive program at KM. Sign up now at
6 months ago, KMSD
E-CYCLE EVENT TODAY | SATURDAY 9.14 | 10A-2P If it has a cord or a board, or it is metal of any type, we want it!!! A portion of the proceeds goes back to KMHS! Hard drives will be removed and returned or destroyed with a (COD) certificate of destruction receipt.
6 months ago, KMHS Campus
THE LITTLE THINGS MAKE TEACHING A WONDERFUL PROFESSION!!! Emma W, a KMMS student left a message for Mrs. Shaver at the Wales Elementary Campus. This kind gesture from a former student has brightened the day for all of us and serves as a powerful reminder of why we choose to work in education!
6 months ago, KMSD
chalk message