EXPLORE NIGHT ON THE TITANIC EVENT!!! KM Explore 2/3 celebrated a Night on the Titanic last week. As a culmination of their reading/writing program, the kids researched and wrote a historical fiction piece about a particular person who was present on the ship. Then, they practiced their learning by becoming that character for one night to celebrate their learning. Activities included using Morse code to solve math problems, sampling food from the Titanic’s last meal, using foil boats and washers to explain surface density and displacement of water, as well as reading their writing pieces to families. To top off the night, each child had a portrait taken in their period costumes and a video was produced of them reading their pieces as a keepsake of the experience.
about 1 year ago, KMSD
THANK YOU KM NATION FOR THE WARM WISCONSIN WELCOME FOR MS. VUILLAME! A big thank you to those who contributed to bringing our Laser, Nathan Vuillaume’s, mom from France to Wisconsin this weekend!! It was a very special, heartfelt reunion. We appreciate you showing up as a community for our teammate! Anne was so grateful for the gesture and outpouring of support and love. Congratulations to the team on an amazing season! Go Lasers!
about 1 year ago, KMHS Campus
Anne and Nathan Vuillame
CUSHING GETS VISIT FROM KMHS STARS!! Coach Mac and two of his players, Nolan and Noah, spent lunch and recess with 4th graders at Cushing Elementary! They helped to reinforce important recess rules, and spoke about expectations and sportsmanship. Coach Mac reminded us that even though we might be on different teams during recess, we're all part of one big team KM. It was a wonderful learning opportunity and the students really responded to their message.
about 1 year ago, KMSD
KMMS STATE FORENSICS COMPETITION!!!! The Kettle Moraine Middle School Forensics Team participated in the State Competition held at Brookfield Central High School over the weekend. Over 1,200 students and 70 teams competed from across the state. Thirteen KM orators came home with medals. Two took third place, six won second place, and one is now a State Champion. Third-place finishers include Kristen M. and Ben P. Second places finishers include Ava S., Jolie K., Julia B., the team of Makenna H. and Anna M., and the team of Taylor A. and Anabelle G.. And Grace K. took top honors with her speech "How Dare You: A Warning on Global Warming". Congratulations to all of our speakers who persevered, worked tirelessly, and were looking to improve all year long.
about 1 year ago, KMSD
COME OUT FOR OUR BEST BUDDIES CULVER'S CARES NIGHT!!! Tuesday, March 19th from 4-8pm. Culver's will donate a portion of profits to Best Buddies.
about 1 year ago, KMSD
STILL ON THE FENCE ABOUT WHERE TO ENROLL? WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT KM? SCHEDULE A TOUR!!! We offer custom tours at all of our schools, and they are a great way for potential students and their families to explore the many wonderful options we offer academically, culturally, athletically, and socially! So visit our website at www.kmsd.edu and click the tour button, or if you are ready to commit to KM, click the enroll button at the top and get started. Remember, the open enrollment window closes on 4/30. It is important to apply and secure a spot before it re-opens in summer, as enrollment is first-come, first-served and some choices may not be available!
about 1 year ago, KMSD
ENROLL IN KM 4 AND 5K NOW!!! The open enrollment window closes on 4/30 and it is important to apply and secure a spot before it re-opens in summer, as enrollment is first-come, first-served. We also need district residents to enroll in 4K so we can meet your choice of schools and accommodate wrap care requests. There is no need to enroll in KM 5K if your child was in KM 4K this year. Get started now at www.kmsd.edu/enroll. Kindergarten in the Kettle Moraine school district is truly a magical experience and we have many wonderful options to meet the needs of young learners and their busy families. Our 4/5K programming builds a strong foundation for lifelong learning and connects families to our school district. To explore options and learn more about each of our elementary sites and wrap-around care partners, contact 4K Director Justin Nies, at niesjustin@kmsd.edu.
about 1 year ago, KMSD
PIRATES STEAL THE SHOW!!! Cushing Elementary held a fifth grade pirate musical this week and it was argghhhmazing! Seriously, this show was so well designed and the students did a wonderful job of dressing their parts and singing their hearts out! About 250 people were in attendance and everyone got into the spirit of this rousing performance!
about 1 year ago, KMSD
2024 CARSON SCHOLARS!!! Addison Foss (KMHS) has been named for the first time as a Carson Scholar. Addison will win a $1,000 college scholarship as part of her award. Emma Manion (HS^2) and Reese Albert (KMHS) were recognized by the Carson Scholars organization for their continued achievement and humanitarian efforts in our community. They are repeat applicants, so are recognized each year they apply. They do not win a scholarship again, but it says a great deal about these young ladies that they continue that same level of commitment to the organization. The Carson Scholars Fund awards scholars in grades 4-11 who demonstrate the highest standard of academic achievement, integrity, and civic and social responsibility.
about 1 year ago, KMSD
THREE KMHS STUDENTS RECEIVE AWARDS FROM OPTIMIST CLUB OF LAKE COUNTRY!!!! Erin Browning, junior in KM Perform took second place in the Optimist International Essay Contest for the local club level. She submitted an essay on the topic "Optimism: How It Connects Us” and competed against 78 other high school students from the Lake Country area. Erin received a monetary award to go towards her post secondary education. Emma Manion, sophomore in HS^2 took first place and Sydney Loehrl, junior in KMHS took second place for the local club level in the Optimist International Oratorical Contest in Speech where they presented on the topic “How to Change the World with Optimism”. Both students won a monetary award to go towards their post secondary education.
about 1 year ago, KMSD
STATE BOUND SHIRTS FROM KMMADE!!! State Bound shirts ordered through KMmade.com will be in the front office this (Friday) morning until 3pm for pick up. If your order did not have state bound shirts we will notify you when to pick up your order. We had over 250 shirts front and back to create in a short amount of time and our kids worked late and got it done!
about 1 year ago, KMSD
CALLING ALL FANS!!!! WE KNOW KM HAS AN AMAZING COMMUNITY AND WE NEED YOU! Parents, staff, students and community members, we are asking you to show up big tomorrow, and hopefully Saturday, for our boys basketball team as they make another trip to the State Championship! But, it doesn't begin or end there. We have so many great things happening in our schools each week, from plays, to robotics, cheer, wrestling, art, skiing, fishing, academic awards, DECA... there is truly something for everyone, and we want you to share in all of it!! So this post is for the FANS in KM NATION. We appreciate YOU!!!!!
about 1 year ago, KMSD
SHOUT OUT TO CLUE CAST AND CREW!!! I cannot say enough about the quality of this show! If you saw it, you are probably still talking about it. In fact, I did not have a clue how a) the butler remembered all of those lines b) they transitioned the set in and out of rooms so smoothly c) the bodies remained so lifeless and limp as they were dragged and dropped or d) how perfectly every cast blended into their characters. BRAVO!!!!!!
about 1 year ago, KMSD
KM WALK OF CHAMPIONS!!!! It has been a wonderful season for KM with a number of State Competitors. We are missing a few, but appreciate everyone who participated in the walk of champions today! LET'S GO KM!!!!
about 1 year ago, KMSD
ALL-CONFERENCE KM SKIERS!!!! Congratulations to four extraordinary KMHS student-athletes whose dedication, perseverance, and exceptional skill have propelled them to earn individual honors in high school skiing. Boys: Theo Johnson – 1st Team All-Conference, Owen Fennig – 2nd Team All-Conference. Girls: Monica Wawrzyn – 1st Team All-Conference, Penelope Whiteside – Honorable Mention. Great job everyone!!!
about 1 year ago, KMSD
KMHS BOYS BASKETBALL #1 WBCA TEAM ACADEMIC ALL STATE!!! Being ranked as the top academic team in Division 1 throughout the entire state speaks volumes about how hard these young men have worked on and off the court. They have earned a cumulative 3.722 GPA while also obtaining the dream of competing in the Final 4 in basketball this weekend. Coach Brian Richert said, “I couldn’t be more proud and honored to be their coach.” We commend the entire boys basketball team for their outstanding accomplishments and wish them continued success. GOOOOOOOO KM!!!
about 1 year ago, KMSD
GET YOUR TICKETS TO THE BOYS BASKETBALL STATE SEMI-FINAL NOW – THEY OPEN TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC AT 8AM FRIDAY!!! The KM Boys Basketball team leaves today for the WIAA State Basketball Tournament and will play Marquette at 8:05pm tomorrow (3/15) at the Kohl Center in Madison. Tickets are $13.50/person. Children two and under do not require a ticket. All tickets will be purchased online and received digitally: https://www.expressoticketing.com/wiaa/schoolcode.aspx. Please note, there are two different groups of tickets in your sections, Adults and Students. The code for adults is ADULTD1T2. The code for students is D1T2STUD. KM is located in the Northwest Corner of the attached map. FAN BUS tickets will be sold today during lunches. Permission slips are in the front office! Bus tickets are $10 and permission slips and bus money need to be turned in by 1 pm on Thursday to reserve your spot on the bus.
about 1 year ago, KMSD
YOU'LL NEED KM BLUE AND GOLD FOR THE GAME FRIDAY NIGHT!!!! Stop into the Laser Locker to get everything you need, from pajama pants and foam fingers to amazing hoodies and accessories. We are open today from 10-6 or Friday 10-4. Let's show the whole state our KM spirit at the State Tournament in Madison tomorrow night by out "blue and golding" Marquette and supporting our team as they fight to reach the finals! GO LASERS!!!!
about 1 year ago, KMSD
KM CONNECT STUDENT CREATES AMAZING REPURPOSED VERSION OF STARRY NIGHT!! Delia is such a joy, and we are incredibly thrilled with her unique artwork. She gathered her materials from found items in her Grandpa Joel and Great Grandpa Jim's workshops. She also scavenged office supplies from her mom, to achieve the beautiful blue paper clip sky. Family members and neighbors saved their can tabs, and the moon is the top of a pasta sauce jar. All of this was done independently through KM Connect's virtual academy and Mr. Langanecker's class. Great work Delia!!!
about 1 year ago, KMSD
STOP AT THE LASER LOCKER TO GRAB YOUR GEAR FOR STATE BASKETBALL THIS WEEKEND!!!! Let's show our spirit in Madison in a sea of blue and gold! LASER LOCKER HOURS: Monday, March 11: Noon – 4:00pm Tuesday, March 12: 2:00pm – 4:00pm Thursday, March 14: 10:00am – 6:00pm Friday, March 15: 10:00am – 4:00pm GO LASERS!
about 1 year ago, KMSD