RSVP NOW FOR THE KM SHOWCASE – FEBRUARY 21ST FROM 5:30-7PM @ KMHS. THIS K-12 ENROLLMENT FAIR & COMMUNITY OPEN HOUSE EVENT IS OPEN TO ALL RESIDENTS/NON-RESIDENTS. Talk with administrators, staff, and students from all of our KM Schools! Get a personalized tour of the KMHS Campus, including all of our career pathways and subject areas. Watch video tours of our other Schools! Learn more about K-12 programs, curriculum, and offerings! Get information on the many athletic teams, clubs & activities that are available! Participate in interactive activities and WIN PRIZES!!! To learn more about the many choices in the Kettle Moraine School District... RSVP NOW to our Google form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeB7sTMSjs9TbS3TMgJTZ9tmYMCYrX_RuUAwWCZ84oAPspp5Q/viewform

The KMHS Dance Team is hosting their annual Kid's Dance Clinic! This is for K-5 students. All dancers will get to learn a routine on January 17th, and perform it at a basketball game on January 19th. Please see this link to register and for more information! Reach out to Coach Sarah at daviess@kmsd.edu with any questions. Registration closes on January 13th, so sign up now!!! https://www.classmunity.com/kmsd/view-fundraiser.php?fundraiser_id=2371 "

RSVP NOW!!!! KM4K FAIR WILL BE HELD ON JANUARY 17TH FROM 5-7 PM AT CUSHING ELEMENTARY! Learn more about four-year-old kindergarten in the Kettle Moraine School District! This annual event is fun and informative for young learners and their families. Kettle Moraine’s 4K program strives to build a strong foundation for lifelong learning! Providing this programming to our community is an integral way to connect our youngest learners and families to our school district and prepare them for Kindergarten. The event will feature a supervised 4K room so kids can interact and play while parents speak with educators, principals, and directors from our 4K programs. The open house format features booths from each of our elementary sites and wrap-around care partners, allowing you to find the right option for your family. Watch for the next issue of the Communicator to learn more about learning targets in KM4K and how this experience prepares children for school, helps them develop social skills, and provides them with lots of exercise and engagement!!! Click the QR code to RSVP or go to https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfi5rpTCA9j4j5QOEmUk70kr_KMk9f0uclCYO1YesQgXZ5MDA/viewform. To learn more, visit https://www.kmsd.edu/o/kmsd/page/about-km4k, or contact our 4K Director, Justin Nies, at niesjustin@kmsd.edu.

KMMS STUDENTS ARE GETTING CREATIVE IN THREE DIMENSIONS!! Every time I stop by Mr. Langanecker's class there is something new and wonderful taking place. This week, students were exploring with clay and mixed media to create 3D masterpieces.

KM SCULPTURE STUDENTS EXPLORE NEW MEDIUMS!!! The students were very excited to try their hand at stained glass. They quickly learned how intricate and involved it can be. Students developed their designs, assigned colors, created templates, cut and shaped their glass pieces, then soldered their design together. The results, while labor intensive, are truly beautiful and will undoubtedly make wonderful holiday gifts!

KM ALUMS ARE DOING AMAZING THINGS!!! Rylie Morris, a KM graduate was awarded the 2023 WARF Innovation Award by the University of Wisconsin-Madison for discovering a new treatment for diabetes and obesity. As a graduate student, Rylie worked with Samuel Gellman, professor of chemistry and post-doctorate Kyle Brown on a submission titled: Potent New Drug for Type 2 Diabetes, Obesity. With the commercial success of two new drugs in this arena, there is a great deal of competition and interest. Their new drug is a synthetic peptide with a simplified design that targets the same mechanisms. Two winners were selected from several hundred entries. The winning teams each receive an award of $10,000, with the funds going to the named UW-Madison inventors. Congratulations Rylie! https://www.warf.org/news/2023-warf-innovation-award-winners-tackle-heart-disease-diabetes/

MATH 24 TOURNAMENT RESULTS!!! Please congratulate all of the students who traveled to the middle school to test their skills against the best in the district.
The following 4th and 5th graders will be moving on to represent KM in the regional tournament to be held in Jefferson on February 12th. Encourage them to keep practicing as the competition gets tougher at each level. First Place – Fifth Grade, Evan Gerber (Cushing). Fourth Grade, Zane Olson (Magee). Second Place – Fifth Grade, Easton Justman (Magee). Aiden Hughes (Wales). Third Place – Fifth Grade, Hadley Byrne (Cushing). Fourth Grade – Owen Walgren (Dousman). Fourth Place – Fifth Grade, Emmy Darling (Magee), Fourth Grade, Logan Russel (Cushing). Fifth Place – Fifth Grade, Landon Brown (Magee). Fourth Grade, Sawyer Thomas (Magee). Sixth Place – Fifth Grade, Aaron Schneider (Dousman). Fourth Grade – Parker Hau (Dousman).

GET YOUR KM BRANDED GIFTS AT THE LASER LOCKER!!!! Our stylish winter hats, scarves, and accessories make perfect stocking stuffers, white elephant, or secret santa gifts! Plus, we have a huge assortment of pullovers, fleece pants, jackets, pajama pants, and shirts for all of the KM fans on your list! Feel free to get a little something for yourself and fill the gym with KM pride at Friday's basketball game!

DEPUTY CATTANI, KMMS SRO, DISCUSSES INTERNET SAFETY WITH CUSHING 4TH AND 5TH GRADERS!!! She shared valuable insights with our students and staff to protect them as they utilize online media and communications. Her experience as a student resource officer and background in law enforcement was extremely beneficial in helping students better understand the potential risks of these platforms. "I emphasized the importance of online safety, responsible device use, and the significance of open communication between students, guardians, and staff members. The students were highly receptive to the lesson, very interactive, and asked some great questions. This lesson taught principles that are important to reinforce at home to further support a safe and positive online environment," said Deputy Cattani.

Sign up now! Winter skills registration is now open for all KM Lacrosse players who want to hone their skills and be ready for the spring season. It’s also a great way to try the sport for the first time. Open to all boys and girls - youth through high school.

SHARED LEARNING AMONG KMSD SCHOOLS!!! Some of our most rewarding experiences at KM come from schools working together in mutually beneficial ways that enhance their shared learning. This is a great example! Mr. Bruening's shop students built shut box games for young learners at Cushing. They practiced their skills in measuring, cutting, planing, sanding, die cutting, and assembling the final products. Cushing students will get the benefit of using the boxes to improve their math fluency through game play. "The kids making the shutboxes deserve all of the credit! (They) did a beautiful job on them! They are much better quality than the original prototype I sent," wrote Ms. Mokros.

KMMS HAS COOL PARENTS!!! Ms. Ford's 8th grade science class has been studying genetics. Yesterday and today, Mrs. Parsons, a geneticist and KMMS parent, came in to discuss hereditary illnesses and traits. She also conducted an experiment with the kids where they learned the process for extracting DNA. The kids really enjoyed gaining a better understanding of how DNA is processed in a practical lab setting and how that information is utilized. They had very insightful questions and you could tell the unit helped to connect their learning to real-world applications. Thank you Mrs. Parsons for sharing your experience with them!

YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!! Oasis is looking for experienced educators to help KM students. Qualifications for volunteer tutoring with Oasis are: Current or previously licensed educator, paraeducator, learning assistant, or experienced substitute teacher. Current or previously licensed school speech and language therapist, school occupational therapist, school physical therapist, or other licensed school support role with experience working in schools. Student participating in the internship or student teaching phase of certification through an accredited university education program. Equivalent professional experience in a private school or higher-education classroom setting. Apply at oasisprojectwi.org/how-to-help

This brunch, provided by KM culinary students, will bring KM staff and area First Responders together to celebrate the holiday season and our long history of partnership. When: December 19th from 10 am - 1 pm Where: KM High School Culinary Kitchen B20 (hallway) Culinary students will select recipes, budget their meal plan, prepare dishes, and serve brunch at stations. Mr. Loebel's KMAP students will deliver food to dispatchers. KM Perform students will create portraits to decorate the hallway and band students will be playing holiday music throughout the luncheon. Fundraising will support the food purchased to prepare the meal. The Following Businesses have donated so far to this event: Albrecht's Sentry- $150 donation | Hog Alley- Gift cards | Panera- Free drink tickets for all responders | Lumber Inn- Gift cards | Chick-fil-A- Free meal for all responders | Nothing Bundt cakes- 120 small cakes | Angelina's - Gift cards. Click to donate: https://www.classmunity.com/kmsd/view-fundraiser.php?fundraiser_id=2360.

POST SECONDARY INFO NIGHT AT KMHS!!! Thursday Nov 30th, the High School Counseling team held a Post Secondary Information Night with representatives from the UW System, as well as Wisconsin private colleges and technical schools. We also had representatives from the military, Xello, ACT, and scholarship opportunities. We had a great turn out with over 150 people in attendance! This was a wonderful event to help guide high school students as they plan for the future.

DON'T FORGET – BREAKFAST WITH SANTA TOMORROW, DEC. 2ND FROM 8:30 to 1 PM @KMHS!!!! The pancake breakfast will be held in the cafeteria from 8:30-11:30am and breakfast tickets can be purchased with the QR code or at https://www.classmunity.com/kmsd/view-fundraiser.php?fundraiser_id=2332!. It is $7 for kids under 10 and $12 for adults. The craft fair is free and runs from 8:30am-1pm with about 50 crafters participating. This is a great opportunity to get unique, quality, homemade gifts and decorations for the holiday season! KMSD music groups will playing holiday music throughout the morning and the KMHS band plans activities for kids. Santa and his elves will also be there for photos! The district will also be hosting a t-shirt decorating station, so stop by to visit. We look forward to seeing everyone!!

This brunch, provided by KM culinary students, will bring KM staff and area First Responders together to celebrate the holiday season and our long history of partnership. Thank you to Albrecht's Sentry for kicking off our fundraising with a $150 donation!
When: December 19th from 10 am - 1 pm
Where: KM High School Culinary Kitchen B20 (hallway)
Culinary students will select recipes, budget their meal plan, prepare dishes, and serve brunch at stations. Mr. Loebel's KMAP students will deliver food to dispatchers. KM Perform students will create portraits to decorate the hallway and band students will be playing holiday music throughout the luncheon.
Fundraising will support the food purchased to prepare the meal. Click to donate: https://www.classmunity.com/kmsd/view-fundraiser.php?fundraiser_id=2360

KM CONTINUES PARTNERSHIP WITH MILWAUKEE BUILDER'S ASSOCIATION PLAY HOME PARADE!!!! KM students will be building three play houses this year for The Milwaukee Builders Association parade of play homes. Mr. Bruening's architecture class designed the houses and his construction class is in the process of building them. This hands-on project pairs high school students with professional builders to form relationships and learn from their experience. This year, KM students have been working with Espire Homes and Victory Homes. The play houses be on display in early January at the builders show, where they will be auctioned off and utilized for student scholarships. We are always excited to feature students pursuing their dreams through the many pathways offered at KM. Thank you Mr. Bruening for making these valuable connections!

VOLUNTEER FOR JA CAREER DAY!!!! Monday, December 11, 2023 | 7:50 AM - 11:00 AM at Kettle Moraine High School. Career Day gives 9th-12th grade students an opportunity to learn about four different career paths over the course of a morning. We always need volunteers to share their chosen fields with students. If you have questions, contact: Destiny Hamblin | dhamblin@jawis.org | 414-577-3819. Sign up now! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScVmV9jJYGTmtKzQYVLKBlc3ByCK4q2HWqLjf3yF_9dMD5_Bw/viewform?pli=1

BREAKFAST WITH SANTA THIS SATURDAY, DEC. 2ND FROM 8:30 to 1 PM @KMHS!!!! The pancake breakfast will be held in the cafeteria from 8:30-11:30am and tickets can be purchased with the QR code. It is $7 for kids under 10 and $12 for adults. The craft fair is free and runs from 8:30am-1pm with about 50 crafters participating. This is a great opportunity to get unique, quality, homemade gifts and decorations for the holiday season! KMSD music groups will playing holiday music throughout the morning and the KMHS band plans activities for kids. Santa and his elves will also be there for photos! The district will also be hosting a t-shirt decorating station, so stop by to visit. We look forward to seeing everyone. Happy Holidays!!!