KM CELEBRATES RETIREMENT OF LONG-TIME BUS TERMINAL MANAGER!!! Cindy Houk from Dousman Transport has operated our KM Terminal with efficiency and warmth for many years. She is retiring after 41 years with Dousman Transport. John Stellmacher, KMSD Chief Financial Officer, and Jeremy Struss, KMSD Business Manager, stopped by to celebrate Cindy's retirement and wish her well!

NAME THAT AUDITORIUM!!! Our auditorium renovation is getting close to completion, and it is time to start thinking about naming this beautiful venue. While we have a generous naming sponsor, their hope is that our students have ownership of the project and select the name. So we are calling on our KM Community to start the process by submitting your naming suggestions. The submission process will close November 20th. Then, our team will narrow down the options to a group of preferred names for students to vote on. The final name will be unveiled at our grand opening early next year. To submit your naming ideas, visit: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe-hz8SWDP2r2Vqyf5XI2MkYUG29ljEMe9VGxiqVyR3ql3URA/viewform?usp=sf_link

KMHS CAMPUS INFORMATION NIGHT SCHEDULE RELEASED!!! Each year, our five high schools host opportunities for middle school families to learn more about their curriculum, learning models, activities, and offerings. This is a great opportunity to meet other students, speak with educators and administrators, and get a more in-depth look at what a particular school has to offer!


FLAG FOOTBALL CORRECTION!!! Today's game will be at 3:00 pm against MKE Washington at Muskego's indoor facility!

KMMS HALLOWEEN WARS!!! Mr. Langenecker's students engaged in a little creative competition this halloween by hosting an art contest. Best in Show winners were as follows... In the 2D Category – Christian H. 3D Category – Slaughter House: Lucy K. and Jasmine H. and
Zomba Pumpkin Octopus: Levi B., JJ O., Trey H., Anthony B. Here is a full list of winners! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xQpU5JHnaIEOGZppFol12PRVMdmwuhQjIKhURx0Ih9s/edit?usp=sharing

WALK OF CHAMPIONS!!! Today, we celebrated our state qualifiers and sent off our cross country athletes to their state meet. Congrats to everyone who attained this wonderful accomplishment!

ONE CAMPUS, FIVE SCHOOLS!!! RSVP NOW FOR THE KMHS CAMPUS EXPO – NOVEMBER 6TH FROM 5:30-7PM @KETTLE MORAINE HIGH SCHOOL. KM invites all residents and non-residents to attend a presentation at 5:30, then take some time to talk with administrators, staff, and students from all five of our high schools! This is a great opportunity for middle school families to get a personalized tour of the KMHS Campus, including all of our career pathways and subject areas. Learn more about our programs, curriculum, and offerings! Get information on the many athletic teams, clubs & activities that are available! To learn more about the many choices at the KMHS Campus, visit our website at https://www.kmsd.edu/page/kmhs-campus-choices or RSVP at https://forms.gle/PiLJKabEqi6ByaDr8.

KMMS BAND PERFORMS COSTUME CONCERT!!! Monday and Tuesday the middle school band program performed their "Costume Concert" and their Director, Mr. Weiss, shared these amazing photos!

MAGEE STUDENTS LEARN ABOUT ELECTIONS!!! Ms. Mathison and Ms. Kroll are teaching fifth graders about the electoral process through a mock election featuring popular "candydates." Students have learned about the primary process and political parties (in this case a "chocolate" party and a "gummy candy" party.) Kit Kats won the chocolate primary, while Airheads won the gummy candy party. Students have also explored campaign strategies by making posters and door signs and giving mini-speeches/slide presentations. The Electoral College was explained by determining how many electoral votes each classroom should get and creating a map of the school where students will record the results. Tuesday will also mark Magee's election day. Students and staff will visit the fifth grade classrooms to sign in and cast their vote for Airheads or Kit Kats in our special voting booths. Then, they will receive their sticker and head back to class to watch the returns as fifth grade poll workers tabulate a winner.

STUDENT EXPLORATION OF FAMILY HISTORY TO BE FEATURED IN LANDMARK MAGAZINE!!! Delia Lou Harris, a KM Connect student, prepared a comprehensive report for Mrs. Kean's class that is being entered into the National Historical Society's Genealogy Collection and will be featured in the Landmark Magazine. Delia unfolded generations of family history by focusing on their neighborhood, the Strand in Waukesha, and how it has changed over time. More importantly, this beautifully-written story shares how her family, particularly her Grandma Ceal, has changed and influenced their community, local politics, and even the cuisine in Waukesha. Thank you Delia for sharing your wonderful story!

GIRLS GOLF ACADEMIC ALL STATE!!! The Golf Coaches Association of Wisconsin is pleased to announce that the following student-athletes from Kettle Moraine have been recognized as 2024 Academic All-State honorees: Madeleine Reed, Avery Kukuk, Emily Garvin, Avery Sallmann, and Madeline Ewald. Students are submitted by member coaches of the GCAW and must have a cumulative GPA of 3.25 or higher; participated in at least 75% of their team's varsity competitions; be in good standing regarding athletic and school codes of conduct; and be either a sophomore, junior, or senior.

DECA FOOD DRIVE DELIVERS!!! by Hunter Phillips, KM DECA Communications Officer. KM DECA's annual food drive ran from Tuesday, October 15th until Monday, October 28th this year. We raised 10,820 pounds of food, which is almost 1,000 more pounds than last year! After all the food bags were loaded into the Target trailer, students from Mr. Dellis' Marketing/Business Application class unloaded them into crates at Waukesha Food Pantry to benefit those in need within our community. Waukesha Food Pantry assists around 700 households in the area with obtaining food weekly, and they were very thankful for all the food collected by this drive. Thanks again to Target and Pick 'N Save for providing us with the trailer and bags for this drive, and look out for KM DECA's Holiday Drive coming soon!

CULINARY ARTS FIELD TRIP!!! Ms. Jordan and Ms O'Gorman took a field trip to a new restaurant, The Inn, that will be opening in downtown Hartland in December. Students were able to get a backstage look at the process of creating a restaurant, get a tour of the construction and design process, and speak with the owners to learn more about what it takes to open a restaurant and succeed in the culinary industry. The students loved participating in the process and we can't wait for the restaurant to open!

The Laser Locker will be closed today. We look forward to seeing you on Thursday this week!

POST SECONDARY NIGHT NOVEMBER 13TH AT KMHS!!! Attention students and families! Join us for Post-Secondary Night on November 13th from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM. This event will feature 25-minute informational sessions on various college and career options, along with a Financial Aid presentation to help navigate changes to the FAFSA. Don’t miss this chance to gather valuable information and explore new opportunities!

KM EQUESTRIAN TEAM FINISHES FOURTH AT STATE!!! The WIHA State Finals were held over the weekend in Madison. KMET earned 4th place out of nine high schools in division B. Ryan W. (Senior) took 1st place in Hand Trail and Western Showmanship and earned multiple top ten placings. He was also one of five recipients of the WIHA Memorial Scholarship for graduating Seniors. Olivia T. (8th grade) earned a 1st place in Ranch Riding, Trail, Bareback Horsemanship & Lead Change Challenge, and Julia F. (7th grade) took 1st place in Hunter Hack Equitation. Both also had other top ten placings. Jordan M. (Junior), Alex B. (Sophomore), and Taite W. (Sophomore) also had multiple top ten placings. Coach Kowalski, Coach Wolfe and KMET members wish to thank their parents, family members, sponsors and KMMS Associate Principal, Mrs. Lloyd for cheering the team on at the State event.

CROSS COUNTRY STATE QUALIFIERS!!! KM's Isaac Kirby took 1st place at Sectionals, helping the boys team qualify for state. Other boys team members includeGraham Kelchen, Ryan Montes de Oca, Carter Schroeder, Malachi Beyerlein, William Fisher, and Cole Mirek. Lola Schwartz also qualified for the Girl's State Cross Country Meet with a 5th place finish at Sectionals. The WIAA State Cross Country Meet takes place Saturday Saturday, Nov. 2, at The Ridges Golf Course in Wisconsin Rapids. They use GoFan Ticketing for all digital and cashless tickets. Admission is $9 plus online fees for adults and students. All tickets must be redeemed on a mobile device. To purchase tickets, visit the WIAA website at: https://www.wiaawi.org/Tickets#42691791-cross-country. Lola will run at 1:20 p.m. and the boys will run at 3:10 p.m.

What a historic weekend it was for the cross-country program. It started with Lola Schwartz qualifying for the State Meet! Lola ran a gutsy race and was rewarded with a 10th-place finish in a fiercely contested Sectional meet! She will be racing on Saturday at 1:20 pm at the Ridges Golf Course in Wisconsin Rapids
Moving on to the boys, the team took 2nd place at Sectionals and qualified for the State Meet! This will be the first time since 1981 that Kettle Moraine will be represented by a Boys team at the State Championship!
Isaac Kirby led the way, and the entire field, by winning the individual title. Isaac, along with Graham Kelchen, Carter Schroeder, Ryan Montes de Oca, Malachi Beyerlein, Will Fisher, and Cole Mirek will be racing on Saturday at 3:10 pm.
After watching the finish of the Boys' race, we were overwhelmed by the support they received from their teammates and the parents of their teammates who were present to support, motivate, and celebrate with our Sectional runners. Though only 8 of us will be stepping up to the line next weekend everyone has had a role in getting them there. By showing up to a weekend practice, offering a ride to Lapham Peak, hosting a pasta party, giving advice on a course you’d raced earlier in the day, motivating your teammates during a workout, or cheering them on during a race. Everyone's had a role in getting these eight teammates to the start line!
See Coach Buntman if you are interested in taking a Fan Bus to the State Meet on Saturday!

ONE ACT ADVANCES TO SECTIONALS!!! The KMHS Campus had 18 students participating in the WISDAA (Wisconsin Interscholastic Speech, Debate and Dramatic Arts Association) District 12 One Act Contest hosted by Waterford Union High School. Ms. Kean's Drama Team advanced to the Sectional Festival at Kenosha Tremper on November 9. There will be a Home Stage Performance Friday, November 15 at 7 PM in the KMHS Auditorium. Congratulations to the “QUEENS”Company Roster – CAST: Will Brandon, Jayden Dietrich, William Graeve, Antonio Muniz, Brooke Maggio, Joy Brusnahan, Mya Bialozynski, Erin Browning, Meika Olson, Adeline Bergholz-Gleason, Kira Romashko, Lucy Shaw, and Izzie Kreblin. COMPETITION CREW: Victoria Gutierrez, Kaylin Spindler, Brooklyn Bernicky, and Norah Weber. BUILD CREW: Rachel Meyers.