SWD students had a great time visiting the Meyers Electic Farm and interacting with the donkeys Rudy and Roxie and the horses. Thank you, Meyers Electric, INC., for a great day!
about 1 year ago, KMHS Campus
SWD student with animal
SWD student with animal
SWD student with animal
SWD student with animal
SWD student with animal
SWD student with animal
SWD student with animal
SWD student with animal
SWD student with animal
THE KM SHOWCASE IS TOMORROW NIGHT – PLEASE JOIN US!!! We have some incredible donations from local businesses. Thank you to Avid Jewelry for donating a stunning KM signet ring that will be given to one lucky winner. The Dockhounds donated a prize package for two to catch a game sporting some great swag! We will also be giving away fantastic gift packages from Pizza Guy, Mama D's, and MDs. Chick-fil-A, Culvers, and Pizza Guy provided individual gift items to be inserted in the more than 100 gift bags to be handed out to students who attend! We will also have demonstrations in mountain biking, robotics, tech ed, design, MakerSpace, and many other areas. You can talk with administrators, staff, and students from all of our KM Schools. Take a personalized tour to learn more about K-12 programs, curriculum, and offerings! There will be more than 30 athletic teams, clubs & activities presenting! RSVP NOW to our Google form, or feel free to show up the night of the event! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeB7sTMSjs9TbS3TMgJTZ9tmYMCYrX_RuUAwWCZ84oAPspp5Q/viewform
about 1 year ago, KMSD
CUSHING STUDENTS ENJOY NEW EXPERIENCES AT DISCOVERY WORLD!!! Third grade students visited Discovery World in Milwaukee. Many students hadn't been there before and it was an amazing learning experience for everyone. They had a great time exploring the many exhibits, sparking curiosity, and improving understanding of key concepts. Building background knowledge is one of our goals this year, so this field trip was a perfect opportunity for hands-on learning!
about 1 year ago, KMSD
PURCHASE TICKETS FOR THE THE KETTLE MORAINE EDUCATION FOUNDATION FUNDRAISER!!! Grab your wayfarers, cuff your jeans, tease your hair, and pop your collar for our 80s Dance Party! Plan to dance the night away while raising money for a great cause! This event will also feature a fabulous silent auction and raffle, cash bar, Pudgies food truck for purchase, DJ and delicious desserts made by KMHS culinary art students. All proceeds support the Kettle Moraine Education Foundation (KMEF), which provides grants to teachers for educational classroom projects, and scholarships to students. Early bird tickets are $40 per person / $80 per couple until March 15. After that they will be $50 per person / $100 per couple. KM teacher and staff tickets are $25. https://www.classmunity.com/kmsd/view-fundraiser.php?fundraiser_id=2404. We also have sponsorship opportunities available and are looking for silent and live auction items. Please contact Jen Baumann (jen02jd@hotmail.com) or Heather Coufal (heathercoufal@aol.com) for more information.
about 1 year ago, KMSD
IT'S HARD TO BELIEVE THE KM SHOWCASE IS ONLY A WEEK AWAY!!!! PLEASE JOIN US NEXT WEDNESDAY NIGHT (2/21) FROM 5:30-7PM @KMHS!!! We have had so many exciting developments as the event gets closer. Many local businesses have provided raffle items and we have gift bags for students who attend. There will also be some great demonstrations in mountain biking, robotics, tech ed, design, MakerSpace, and many other areas. Talk with administrators, staff, and students from all of our KM Schools. Get a personalized tour and learn more about K-12 programs, curriculum, and offerings! We will have more than 30 athletic teams, clubs & activities presenting RSVP NOW to our Google form, or feel free to show up the night of the event! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeB7sTMSjs9TbS3TMgJTZ9tmYMCYrX_RuUAwWCZ84oAPspp5Q/viewform
about 1 year ago, KMSD
KM EXPLORE DELIVERS VALENTINES TO KMHS STUDENTS!!!! Explore students made over 1200 Valentines and delivered them to every student, and a lot of staff members, at the high school today. It was really cute watching them get caught up in the act of giving as they shared their creations. The KMHS students appreciated the kind gesture and enjoyed the candy treats. Stay tuned for a Capturing KM video on this wonderful act of kindness!
about 1 year ago, KMSD
KM PERFORM STUDENT IS RUNNER UP IN NEW YORK TIMES STUDENT REVIEW CONTEST!!!! The New York Time's Ninth Annual Student Review Contest invited students age 13-19 to try their hand at being a magazine critic, by submitting reviews on things that were popular in 2023. They received over 3,200 submissions from students all over the world. Kaylin Spindler of KM Perform wrote and submitted a review entitled “Plot Twist: Meg’s a Villain! How Lydia the Bard Nailed This Disney Song Rewrite.” Her fantastic original review earned her runner up status in a contest with only nine winners! To learn more about this amazing achievement read the full article on their website: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/08/learning/the-winners-of-our-ninth-annual-student-review-contest.html.
about 1 year ago, KMSD
KM EXPLORE BUILDS DOMES FOR OUTDOOR LEARNING!!!! Using grant money Mrs. Shaver received from a Kohl Fellowship, the Pioneers built an outside dome that will allow all of Wales’ campus to learn outside - even in the winter. The Pioneers presented at the Village Town Hall to get permission, then they built it. The dome will be used for small group instruction, reading, meetings, conferences, and lots of other learning opportunities.
about 1 year ago, KMSD
KMMS BAND CONCERTS!!! On February 12th and 13th the KMMS Band Program held their annual Pops Concerts featuring the 6th, 7th and 8th grade bands. We are proud of the amazing growth of these musicians since the start of the school year and how much they have learned!
about 1 year ago, KMSD
PROM DRESS FUNDRAISER FOR BEST BUDDIES!!!! Purchase (or donate) a slightly used dress on March 9th from 10am - 1pm at Kettle Moraine High School. To donate, please drop off your prom dresses by March 6th at the KMHS front office. To attend the sale, enter at the athletic entrance and you will be directed to the gym where the shop will be set up. Cash and credit are accepted. Contact Christina Plasil plasilc@kmsd.edu for additional questions.
about 1 year ago, KMSD
Prom Sale
KM TOTALS UP A BIG WIN AT THE MATH 24 REGIONAL TOURNAMENT!!!! All twelve of our students did amazingly well and represented KM in a way that made us proud! 5th Grade (back row): Aaron S., Evan G. (3rd place), Emmie D., Hadley B. (2nd place), Easton J. (5th place), and Landen B. 4th Grade (front row): Sawyer T. (4th place), Logan R., Zane O. (3rd place), Aiden H. (1st place), Parker H., and Owen W. (2nd place). KM brought home 7 out of the 12 trophies.
about 1 year ago, KMSD
2024 WSME SOLO & ENSEMBLE FESTIVAL! KM is hosting the event this year on Saturday, March 2nd at the High School. We need parents of middle school and high school music students to volunteer and donate items to make it a success. You can sign up at this link https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A0D48A5A72DA7F94-47596730-2024#/. Questions? Contact KM Music Parents at kmmpaboard@gmail.com
about 1 year ago, KMSD
ANNUAL LOVE BEING A LASER SALE AT LASER LOCKER FEB 15-29!!! Get some great KM Gear during this fantastic sale! SPEND $25-$49 - SAVE $5, SPEND $50-$74 - SAVE $10, SPEND $75 - $125 SAVE $15, SPEND OVER $125 - SAVE $20. SALE DAYS: Thursday, February 15: Noon – 4:00pm, Friday, February 16: Noon – 4:00pm, Wednesday, February 21: 4:00pm – 7:30pm, Thursday, February 22: Noon – 4:00pm. Stop in during the KM Showcase with extended hours until 7:30 pm!!
about 1 year ago, KMSD
Laser Sale
KM SHOWCASE FUNDRAISER WITH PIZZA GUY!!! Wednesday February 21st, Pizza Guy in Wales will donate 25% of all orders taken between 3-7pm to Kettle Moraine High School! This includes pick-ups and deliveries! No need to show any flyer for KMHS - all sales are eligible! Visit the showcase and order your pizza to be delivered or picked up before or after the big event.
about 1 year ago, KMSD
pizza guy
WISCONSIN SCHOOL BUS DRIVER APPRECIATION WEEK!!!! Take a moment to thank your driver! According to the Wisconsin School Bus Association, “In Wisconsin, there are more than 12,000 school bus drivers that safely transport more than 400,000 students to and from school, traveling nearly 144 million miles a year." KMSD appreciates our partners at Dousman Transport Company!
about 1 year ago, KMSD
FEBRUARY 15TH IS NATIONAL SRO DAY!!!! Our student resource officers, Officer Sonenberg and Officer Catania, are a huge part of our KM Family. They are also an instrumental force in maintaining school safety, culture and structure. Both have been involved in important initiatives to protect students from online predators, bullying, and harmful substances. We are so grateful for their presence in our schools! Please give them a pat on the back Thursday!!
about 1 year ago, KMSD
KM MADE LICENSED FOR WISCONSIN BADGERS MERCH!!!! You heard right, in addition to some unique KM merchandise, KM Made is also selling Badgers merch! Visit their website to shop and to watch their new video on the skills students are gaining in all areas of design, production, fullfillment, and business management! https://www.kmmade.com/
about 1 year ago, KMSD
THREE KM STUDENTS ACHIEVE NATIONAL MERIT FINALIST HONORS!!!! The following high school students have been recognized as Finalists in the National Merit Scholarship Competition: Penelope Whiteside - HS^2, Audra Chesny - HS^2, and Brayden Sikorski - KMHS. More than 1.5 million juniors nationwide entered the 2024 National Merit Scholarship Program by taking the Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/MNSQT) in the fall of their junior year. The 16,000 semifinalists represented less than one percent of U.S. high school seniors and included the highest scoring entrants in each state. To become a finalist and to be considered for a National Merit scholarship, each student was required to present an outstanding academic record throughout high school, be endorsed by their high school, and earn college entrance test scores that confirmed the student’s earlier performance on the qualifying SAT. Winners of Merit Scholarship awards are chosen from the Finalist group based on their abilities, skills, and accomplishments. Scholarships will be awarded to approximately 7,000 finalists beginning in March, 2024. Congratulations to these outstanding students!!
about 1 year ago, KMSD
KM GLOBAL HOSTS PARENTS NIGHT OUT FRIDAY FEBRUARY 16TH 6-8PM!!! Make those dinner reservations and start planning something special for Valentine's Day! This annual fundraiser provides a night of fun for kids ages 5-11 while giving parents a little time to celebrate too! Global students will provide games, crafts, and snacks. This is a great opportunity for kids to play with classmates and make new friends. All proceeds are being donated to the Women's Center of Waukesha. $15 (includes crafts and snacks) Contact Chase Messmann at messcha@kmsd.edu with any questions or register now: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc8U7SpWclljf4RJULxLruMOMy2SRfYsjCFLVXf8dlsslBqvQ/viewform
about 1 year ago, KMSD
ADVOCACY DAY AT WISCONSIN CAPITOL!!! FRC Laser Robotics students attended workshops in the morning and set up meetings in the afternoon to speak with local representatives about the importance of robotics funding in our schools. Wisconsin increased funding last year by $250,000 to provide total funding of $750,000 for robotics in schools. DPI Grants were written for $992,000 this fall, which means school needs still exceed available funds. Wisconsin trails neighboring states significantly. Iowa's funding is $5 million, and Michigan and Minnesota's are each $10 million. Robotics provides students with valuable understanding of engineering and computer science, business, and soft skills. Many alumni talk about how robotics helped them gain confidence and steer them toward future success. If you are passionate about students participating in robotics, reach out to your representatives!
about 1 year ago, KMSD