KMHS AND PERFORM STUDENTS RECOGNIZED FOR ARTISTIC TALENT!!!! The nationally run and recognized art competition, Scholastics Arts and Writing Awards, has announced their winners at the state level. KMHS has an amazing showing this year with 3 Gold Keys, 2 Silver Keys and 5 Honorable Mentions. The Gold and Silver Key winners will have their artwork displayed at the Milwaukee Art Museum. The Gold Keys will continue on to the national competition in NYC. This is a very competitive art competition and a huge honor for all the artists. The Scholastic Art Awards: Wisconsin Exhibition will be on-view from February 24 through April 7, 2024, in Schroeder Galleria at the Milwaukee Art Museum. We hope you can find time to go down to the museum and see the show, it truly is an impressive show of Wisconsin student's work. Gold Keys: Zuma Effland, Emily Gerber, Ashtyn Witt. Silver Keys: Sadie Groskreutz, Taylor Mooney. Honorable Mention: Zuma Effland, Taylor Mooney, Mia Wolf-Abubakar, Syd Putz, Ozzy Davis.

LEARNING TO COPE WITH ADHD AND ANXIETY!!! On Monday March 4, from 6:00pm-7:00pm @KMHS Library the Gals Institute will be sharing executive functions and parenting strategies to support student mental health. This event is open to K-12 parents in the Kettle Moraine School District. Sign Up Now! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/understanding-anxiety-adhd-in-youth-tickets-825896337177?aff=ebdssbdestsearch

FTC LASER ROBOTICS SCORES STATE RECORD AND QUALIFIES FOR STATE!! Congratulations to our Kettle Moraine FTC robotics teams, Laser Bots and Laser Tech, which had an excellent qualification tournament last weekend. For the first time in 3 years, the two teams were paired up as an alliance which resulted in scoring the Wisconsin state record. The two teams earned the right to pair up once again in the finals and placed 1st at the competition in dominating fashion. Both teams have now qualified for the Wisconsin State Tournament at MSOE on March 2nd. Additionally, the following awards were earned: Laser Bots: Winning Alliance Captain, 1st place Control Award, 2nd place Think Award. Laser Tech: 1st place Innovate Award, Winning Alliance 1st Pick, 2nd place Design Award, 3rd place Inspire Award

SAVE THE DATE FOR THE 3rd ANNUAL SHOOT FOR A CURE!!! Sunday, March 17, 2024 from 1:00 – 2:30pm at Kettle Moraine High School / West Gym. Led by Kettle Moraine Varsity Coach Brian Richert, the KM Varsity Boys and Girls Basketball teams will host a skills and drills clinic for 3-8th grade boys and girls. This event will include fun games and drills for all-level players. This is a fundraiser to support the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS), an organization devoted to funding critical research to treat and cure blood cancers. The KM Varsity teams are doing their part to support this cause – and all proceeds of this event will go directly to LLS Wisconsin. Suggested donation amount is $25, which can be paid online click here. or at the event. To sign up now for the Shoot for a Cure, click here https://forms.gle/34a61tuZVpcv6SvT8

KMMS STUDENTS AWARDED FOR CREATIVITY IN ART!!!! Four KM Middle School students have had their artwork selected for the 2024 Scholastic Art Awards Wisconsin competition and will have their artwork displayed at the Milwaukee Art Museum. Syd K. and Rachel M. each earned Gold Key Awards and Leo D. and Braden S. each earned Silver Key Awards. Their artwork will be on display February 24 through April 7 and they will receive their awards at a ceremony on March 2. The Scholastic Art Competition showcases the extraordinary talents of teens from across the state. It is a great achievement to be included in this exhibition.

KMHS SIGNING DAY!! Today marked an important milestone for our student athletes as they signed with their respective colleges. We had twelve young people sign letters of intent: Softball: Alyssa Dinnauer – Wisconsin Lutheran College. Volleyball: Ethan Hoffert – University of Jamestown and Owen Voigt – Edgewood College. Football: Landon Garcia – UW Whitewater, Jorge Benavente – Valparaiso University, Grey Rumohr – Northern Illinois University, Dayne Baker – Concordia University, Noah Hait – UW Whitewater, Drew Wagner – Northwestern University, Lucas Bunten – UW Eau Claire, Zach Donaldson – UW Eau Claire, Eli Rife – UW Eau Claire. We had a KM record nine football players who signed. "We had record success the last three seasons because of the great kids in this senior class. It is exciting to see nine young men committing to go and play college football." – Matt McDonnell

HIGHWAY 18 WEST OF 67 CLOSES MONDAY!!! Work will begin on the bridges on HWY 18 Monday, February 12th, 2024. Dousman Transport has adjusted for the closures and drop off and pick up times should not be impacted aside from Route 7, which will have some changes. Parents have been notified in an earlier email. Should you have any questions, please feel free to email jessica.chelminiak@dtcbus.com or call 262-965-2214 ext. 10323

TECH ED STUDENTS AUCTION OFF PLAY HOMES!!! The Parade of Play homes was a highlight of this year's MBA Home Building & Remodeling Show. KMHS students worked closely with Espire Homes and Victory Homes to design and build the houses, which were auctioned off to provide student scholarships in technical education. Students gained valuable experience building and presenting their final product. Read the Article at https://5il.co/2e3dj.

LASER LADIES OF STEM EVENT!!! More than 120 young ladies gathered to share their love of science and technology. This year's event allowed students to build their own race cars from recycled objects, batteries, wiring, motors, and switches. Students learned how to wire and solder, and experimented with the basic principles of construction and aerodynamics. The event was created by Mrs. Olson and facilitated by some amazing community partners and KMHS volunteers. The girls really enjoyed the experience. Julia B. built the fastest (and straightest) car to win the grand prize rocket! Stay tuned – a Capturing KM video on this event will be coming soon!

SAVE THE DATE FOR KMEFs BACK TO THE 80s FUNDRAISER!!! Grab your wayfarers, cuff your jeans, tease your hair, and pop your color for our 80s Dance Party. Plan to dance the night away while raising money for a great cause! Mark your calendar, the event will be held at Rustic Manor on Friday, April 19th and ticket information will be available soon! In the meantime, we have sponsorship opportunities available, and we are looking for silent and live auction items. Please contact Jen Baumann (jen02jd@hotmail.com) or Heather Coufal (heathercoufal@aol.com) for more information. This fundraiser benefits the Kettle Moraine Education Foundation, 501(c )(3) which provides teacher grants for educational classroom projects, and student scholarships.

SIGN UP NOW FOR THE BLOOD DRIVE AT KMHS FEBRUARY 28 FROM 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM!!! For an appointment call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or visit
RedCrossBlood.org and enter Sponsor Keyword: KMHS. Individuals who are 17 years of age (16 with parental permission), weigh at least 110 pounds and are in generally good health may be eligible to donate blood. All presenting donors will receive a free Sky Zone 30-minute jump pass and a coupon for a free Bundtlet from Nothing Bundt Cakes, while supplies last! Share your heart! Come give in Feb. for a $20 Amazon.com Gift Card by email. See rcblood.org/heart

Thirteen KMMS Orchestra students have accepted nominations from Ms. Shelly Weber to participate in this weekend's Youth Honors String Orchestra Clinic at Mukwonago High School. The event is sponsored by the UW-Whitewater Music Department and gathers the most accomplished middle-school musicians from schools in Southeastern Wisconsin to join for a cross-district day of music making. Congratulations to Marie W, Zaid K, Oliver S, Alaina K, Michael B, Keira G, Lilah M, Drew C, Eli W, Julia B, Gray L, Hannah M, and Kassidy W

HOST A FOREIGN EXCHANGE STUDENT!!! We currently have one student who is looking to stay with an area family as part of this wonderful cultural exchange. Paola, 17, from France, is coming to KMHS in the fall and needs a host family. She loves skiing, and tennis and is good with pets. She will pay all expenses, and has medical insurance. Paola wants to know our culture and will participate in school and family activities. She speaks English and wants to practice by living among Americans. Contact Carrie at 414-899-3890 or schulzcarr@aol.com today for more information.

RSVP NOW FOR THE KM SHOWCASE – 2/21 FROM 5:30-7PM @ KMHS. THIS K-12 ENROLLMENT FAIR & COMMUNITY OPEN HOUSE EVENT IS OPEN TO ALL RESIDENTS/NON-RESIDENTS. It is our most comprehensive event to learn more about the many options in the Kettle Moraine School District. Talk with administrators, staff, and students from all of our KM Schools! Get a personalized tour of the KMHS Campus, including a broad range of career pathways and educational choices. Watch video tours of our Elementary and Middle Schools! Learn more about K-12 programs, curriculum, and offerings! Get information on the many athletic teams, clubs & activities that are available! Participate in interactive activities and WIN PRIZES!!! To learn more about the great things that are happening in the Kettle Moraine School District... RSVP NOW to our Google form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeB7sTMSjs9TbS3TMgJTZ9tmYMCYrX_RuUAwWCZ84oAPspp5Q/viewform

Thank You to Our KMSD Counselors!!!
School counselors support our students with academic, career, and personal development. We have an amazing team at KM:
Cushing: Sarah Wiseman
Magee: Jackie Krajewski
Dousman: Amy Jung
Wales Campus: Allie Mathson
KMMS: Stephen Korb, Christina Cowan
KMHS: Tricia Featherston, Kate Landry, Katie Kirnberger, Kerry Neimon

KMSD NEW PURPOSE AND MISSION!!! The Kettle Moraine Strategic Plan Summary has been completed and was shared with staff and recently presented to the public at the school board meeting. This report represents outcomes and findings from a nine month process facilitated by a private consultant and carried out by 22 KM stakeholders who made up the Strategic Planning Team. A detailed description of each stage of the strategic planning process can be found below, along with key insights from each workshop. Learn more at https://www.kmsd.edu/spt.

UPDATE: DTC IS WORKING OUT AN ISSUE WITH GENERATING STUDENT IDs. THIS SHOULD BE RESOLVED IN 24 HRS. NEW BUS TRACKING APP OFFERED BY DOUSMAN TRANSPORT!!! The Kettle Moraine School District contracts with Dousman Transport to provide our transportation services. They have launched a new Bus GPS-connected smartphone application. This service is called MyView and is an easy-to-use, all-in-one parent app that will enable parents/guardians to see their student’s bus schedules and bus location in real-time using the bus GPS through geo-alerts customized in their own account. Check your email for a KM Alert sharing instructions and log in information.

KM FINNATICS TAKE FIRST PLACE IN WIFA 250 CHALLENGE STATE QUALIFIER!!! The KM Finnatics beat 65 other teams to win this round in the state qualifiers. This was a statewide tournament where teams could fish any public lake. KM was in 6th place most of the day, then a run of larger fish in the afternoon pushed them to second place. They were only 1/4" behind and a small group of dedicated anglers fished into the night, putting them over the top. This allows the Finnatics to take a team of 12 kids from around the area to compete against other schools in the state tournament. We would also like to recognize three seniors for their contributions over the years: Grant Schwartz, Danny Fryatt, and Nate Keller. Congratulations to the entire team on a fish story of a finish!!!!

KMHS ALUM JJ WEBER INDUCTED INTO WBCA HALL OF FAME!!! Weber will be inducted into the Wisconsin Basketball Coaches Association Hall of Fame as a player on Sept. 29 as part of the 2024 class. After KM, he went on to an illustrious career with the Badgers as a guard from 83-87. Weber was selected by the Milwaukee Bucks in the third round (64th pick overall) of 1987 NBA Draft.

KMHS Students Austin Weber and Bradan Hegemann-Lindau earned Master Angler designations!
This will be Bradan’s first Master Angler and Austin’s Second Master Angler.
Over 250 high schoolers have competed in this year’s Master Angler Tournament; a Tournament that goes the entire Year. The competition is extremely challenging to the point that even Pro Tournament fishermen have agreed the length requirements are tough!
Bradan (Freshman) finished 42nd and Austin (Junior) finished 13th.
The Master Angler Program is through the Wisconsin Interscholastic Fishing Association (WIFA) and is a two-part program that provides recognition for student anglers who have pursued and caught quality fish based on established length criteria and have expanded their fishing knowledge by pursuing a variety of game and pan fish.
In addition to this, both boys competed in the LUND Student Angler Organization; sponsored by LUND Boats. This involved an entire summer of traveling across the state to compete against kids from across the entire Midwest. They consistently finished in the top 20-30% at every single Bass Tournament.
They will be receiving the Master Angler Plaques at State in February.
Congratulations on this accomplishment Bradan and Austin!!