JOIN US SATURDAY AT HALLOWEEN IN DELAFIELD! KMSD will have a large booth with games, prizes, and many, many, pounds of candy. Please stop by to visit with our administration. KMmade will also be creating custom t-shirts and our culinary department will be selling food. We look forward to seeing you there!
over 1 year ago, KMSD
Halloween Delafield
LEGENDS & LORE WITH KM PERFORM AT OLD WORLD WISCONSIN! We had such a great time filming Capturing KM last Saturday at Legends & Lore. This spooky, journey through scary stories from another time is the perfect Halloween outing. The fall colors, beautiful setting, fantastic costumes, and entertaining skits are sure to please guests of all ages. Come out Friday or Saturday night from 5:30-9:30 pm.
over 1 year ago, KMSD
GET YOUR BEST BUDDIES HOODIE! KMmade is offering these hoodies for $30-35 with all proceeds supporting Best Buddies. Order now before they are gone!
over 1 year ago, KMSD
BUILD YOUR OWN SCARECROW FAMILY EVENT! On October 25th from 5-6 pm, there will be a scarecrow crafting event outside Explore Playground. Please bring child sized scarecrow clothes, a pillow case, stuffing, and decorations for your scarecrow. Explore will provide the straw and hot cocoa. The scarecrows will be yours to keep!
over 1 year ago, KMSD
THREE PILLARS TENNIS COMPLEX GRAND OPENING! We had a fantastic time celebrating our new tennis opening with our naming sponsors from Three Pillars Senior Living. Thank you to Ms. O'Gorman and her culinary students for the delicious assortment of desserts and appetizers. Also, thank you to the players from our tennis teams who provided lessons for our guests. It was a lot of fun and everyone is now hooked on pickleball! We are so excited to be able to share these beautiful facilities with our KM Community. Thank you to all of the wonderful people at Three Pillars for stopping by last night and for making this incredible facility a reality!!
over 1 year ago, KMSD
Jonathan Ksobiech has been selected as a nominee for the Jolly Good Football Player of the Week on For more information or to vote for the winner, please visit our full article here:
over 1 year ago, KMSD
Player week
LET'S CELEBRATE OUR FANS WITH A KM SPIRIT DAY MONDAY!!! We'd love to see our students, staff, families and KM Community sporting some blue and gold to share in our recent success. Visit the Laser Locker to stock up! Hours for the coming week will be posted Monday on the store page
over 1 year ago, KMSD
CLASSIC 8 CONFERENCE CHAMPIONS!!!! The Lasers came out big last night in a defensive match up against Muskego that was plagued with swirling rain and cool temps. After a scoreless first half, the general consensus was that the first team to score would win. The Lasers had other plans! Muskego did indeed score first, but the Lasers answered quickly with a touchdown of their own... AND WENT FOR TWO! Making the score 8-7 KM. Muskego fought the clock and pushed down the field, but were stopped by the Laser's defense on fourth down to end the game. It was an emotional win and the soaked student section exploded onto the field in celebration. KM has officially won their first Classic 8 Conference title, entering the playoffs undefeated. GO LASERS!!!
over 1 year ago, KMSD
WE HAVE THE BEST FANS!!! Thank you to everyone who came out last night, braving the wind and rain, to cheer on our amazing KM Lasers! It was truly a great night, and we cannot thank you enough for your support.
over 1 year ago, KMSD
KEEP OFF THE GRASS! Not to sound like a crabby neighbor, but the field at Vock's North lot is well on its way to becoming a second softball diamond and a great deal of work has been put into preparing the surface. With all of the rain, we cannot have vehicle traffic on the field... no exceptions. Parking is available at Wales Elementary, KMHS, and Bethlehem Lutheran (across from the stadium.) We ask that you also NOT park on the grass at Bethlehem. Let's have a great time at tonight's game without causing lasting and costly damage to our facilities!! Thank you for your cooperation.
over 1 year ago, KMSD
VOTE NOW for the Milwaukee-area high school Leafguard Athlete of the Weeek!! KM's ANNEKE BARNETT, qualified individually for WIAA state girls golf with a score of 81 at the Waukesha South sectional, shaving 29 strokes off her sectional score from 2022.
over 1 year ago, KMSD
Friday the 13th, in the month of October, might frighten some. As the top-ranked D2 team in the state, the Lasers are not even a little bit afraid of taking on top-ranked D1 Muskego. This is the game to watch tomorrow night as two extremely talented teams fight it out, in the rain, on Vock Field. Only one will go into the playoffs undefeated! We have had a lot of interest from state news agencies and are hoping for record fan turnout and a sea of blue and gold! The game starts at 7:00 PM and will also be LIVE streamed! Come out and SUPPORT YOUR TEAM. To purchase tickets or the live stream visit GO LASERS!!!
over 1 year ago, KMSD
KM Muskego
On October 10, 2023, Dousman 5th graders traveled to The Overture Center in Madison to enjoy the musical "The Wiz" performed by The Children's Theater of Madison. Students followed the characters on an exciting journey through the land of Oz while tapping their feet to the soulful production. In addition, students had the opportunity to visit the Madison Museum of Contemporary Art. They saw and learned about contemporary art, the artists' style, and the material choices of Federico Uribe and Sam Gilliam. Moreover, students enjoyed spectacular views and the rooftop sculpture garden. Students and staff had an exciting adventure of the performing and visual arts tied to a current literacy unit.
over 1 year ago, KMSD
October is National Principal Month! Celebrate your favorite KM principals and Directors with a quick thank you. We may be biased, but we think we have some of the most amazing school leaders at KMSD! #KMSD #kmsd #NationalPrincipalMonth #nationalprincipalmonth
over 1 year ago, KMSD
National Principal Month
VOTE NOW! Kwik Trip & Wisconsin Dairy Game of the Week Nominees: every day as voting goes through Wednesday at 1 pm. It doesn't get much bigger than this. Defending Division 2 state champion and D2 top-ranked Kettle Moraine welcoming in expected Division 1 top-ranked Muskego with both teams unbeaten overall on the year. Several thousand fans are expected for this one in what will undoubtedly be one of the games of the year in the state of Wisconsin. If we are chosen, the game will get featured on, and WSN General Manager Travis Wilson will make it his destination that week, with updates, photos, videos, and stories from the big game!
over 1 year ago, KMSD
Game of week
Western Lakes Golf Club is providing a new KM Junior Lasers Golf Team for KM students in 3rd - 8th grades. This youth golf league will hold team practices and coordinate matches against other area participants, by school district, from Brookfield, Sussex, Menomonee Falls & Germantown. Their non-profit organization is also in the process of building out an indoor golf facility. To tryout, attend only one date, at Western Lakes Golf Club: Sat. October 21st 2PM-4PM, Sun. October 22nd 12PM-2PM, Sat. October 28th 2PM-4PM. Sign up now!
over 1 year ago, KMSD
JR gold
Pickleball Tournament and Learn to Play Pickleball Fundraiser. Date: October 15, 2023. (Packers have a bye!) Time: 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Staggered start times depending on the level with approximately two to three hours of playing time per level. Location: Kettle Moraine High School 349 N. Oak Crest Drive, Wales, WI. Registration Fee: $40 per person. Format: Doubles Round Robin - pick your partner in advance and play with your partner each game. Levels: (Levels may be combined based upon number of teams). Women's doubles, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5+. Men’s doubles, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5+. If you are unsure what ranking/level you should sign up for, reference the ranking descriptions found here: We will also be offering Three sessions of Learn to Play Pickleball: 10:30, 12:30, and 2:30 For individuals who want to learn how to play or have little experience playing. The cost is $40 per session. Registration will close October 11th, so sign up NOW: Once you have registered, you can pay through our Classmunity page using the "Donate to this campaign" button: At the time of registration, you will need to enter your partner’s name and email. Your partner will need to register separately. If you do not have a partner, you can still register and KMTA will attempt to partner you with a participant who also has registered but does not have a partner. Any questions about the tournament please contact: Terri Martin at
over 1 year ago, KMSD
We are so close and we'd love your support. The school with the most votes wins $1,000 for their school's athletic program! KMHS has been nominated for the Midwest Sport & Turf Systems Home Field Pride campaign, which allows fans to vote on the best football field design and construction provided and installed by MWSTS. Voting is open until TODAY at 2 pm.
over 1 year ago, KMSD
Fright Hike is still looking for student volunteers for Friday the 13th to work parking, ticket lines, candle lighting, pumpkin carving, and trail monitoring. Please use the link below to sign up! The event supports the Friends of Lapham Peak. For questions and volunteer information, contact Angela @ To learn more about the event visit:
over 1 year ago, KMSD
Fright Night Hike
Middle School Orchestra "Dousman Song" World Premiere! KM middle school orchestra members performed at Dousman Elementary's October Character Assembly this morning. The musicians, taught and conducted by Ms. Weber, performed a WORLD PREMIERE of "The Dousman School Song" for string orchestra. The song was originally composed by retired KM Music Teacher Vicki Marshall, who taught Ms. Weber in the early 90's. Ms. Weber arranged the piece for string orchestra and taught her students the piece, who were then joined in song by the entire Dousman student body! As a Dousman Alumni, Ms. Weber reiterates the impact that music had on her self-concept and enjoyment of school as a young student. We are so grateful to all of our current and past District music staff and the robust elementary music programming! The Dousman Bullfrogs loved the performance, and were very respectful audience members!
over 1 year ago, KMSD
DE orchestra
DE orchestra
DE orchestra
DE orchestra