KM BOYS BASKETBALL HEADS INTO POST-SEASON PLAY UNDEFEATED AND AS CLASSIC 8 CHAMPS!!! The boys are crushing it, and we look forward to an exciting post-season!
23 days ago, KMSD
WIAA TO AIR BOYS BASKETBALL & STATE INDIVIDUAL WRESTLING SHOWS!!! The Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association will release the 2025 Boys Basketball Tournament Series seeds and pairings and the 2025 State Individual Wrestling Tournament brackets during one-hour live programs on WIAA State Television Network stations Sunday, Feb. 23. The basketball program will be aired live at 10 a.m. on WKOW 27.2 in Madison, WAOW 9.2 in Wausau, WXOW 19.2 in La Crosse and WQOW 18.2 in Eau Claire, WCFW CW14 in Green Bay and My24 EVTV 24.1 in Milwaukee. Please check their individual websites for additional details!
23 days ago, KMSD
KM SHOWCASE TOMORROW @KMHS FROM 5:30-7PM!!! THIS K-12 ENROLLMENT FAIR & COMMUNITY OPEN HOUSE EVENT IS OPEN TO ALL RESIDENTS/NON-RESIDENTS. Please RSVP if you are able at or feel free to drop in! Meet with administrators and staff, take a tour, and learn more about K-12 offerings! There will also be representatives from a variety of clubs, sports, and activities. This is an engaging and informational way to spend a cold evening in February, so stop by!!
25 days ago, KMSD
KM BOYS VOLLEYBALL NOMINATED FOR SPORTSMANSHIP AWARD!!! The Wisconsin High School Volleyball Officials Association promotes good sportsmanship between players, coaches, and officials. The WHSVOA Sportsmanship Award was created to highlight a girls and boys team from our state who've made a significantly positive impact on those around them. We ask our members to share experiences throughout the season and received the following, “We had the Kettle Moraine boys program at several tournaments this season. The players and staff, led by head coach Elliott Van Dyke, were extremely positive with us throughout our matches and showed good sportsmanship to their opponents.” Recently, our sportsmanship committee met to review the numerous submissions that we received and have recognized the Kettle Moraine High School boys volleyball program by nominating them for the 2024 WHSVOA Sportsmanship Award! The winner will be announced on our website at and our social media platforms on facebook, X, and instagram.
25 days ago, KMSD
VB nom
SKI TEAM STATE RESULTS!!! The girls and boys ski teams fared very well in La Crosse over the weekend. The girls team took 3rd overall in Division 1 against 22 teams! Top finishers (150 racers) were: Slalom – Allison Belt 7th and Monica Wawrzyn - 8th, GS – Monica Wawrzyn 12th and Allison Belt 13th, Super G – Monica Wawrzyn - 11th. This earned Monica Wawrzyn 8th place and Allison Belt 12th place overall. The boys team took 12th overall. Theo Johnson was a top finisher in SL with 13th place. Monica Wawrzyn and Allison Belt were named to team Wisconsin and will represent our state in the High School Nationals at Grand Targhee resort in Wyoming in March.
25 days ago, KMSD
WIAA STATE CHAMPIONSHIP INFO!!! As we head into the winter Tournament Series this weekend, WIAA is sharing a portal for spectators seeking information on State Championships at They will share information for in-person attendance, such as ticketing, parking, and venue carry-in policies, along with television and streaming information. If you are interested in purchasing tournament-related souvenirs, like programs or apparel, this can also be found on the site.
25 days ago, KMSD
KM Finnatics Reel in 21st at State! Huge Congrats to the Team & Thanks to Coach Klamik! Congratulations to our KM Finnatics who finished 21st out of 89 teams this past weekend at State with a total of 371 Inches!   It was a fight til the bitter end.  While we fell short of our goal by one Pike and five Bass; the team did finish as follows in each respective species: Bluegill: 4th out of 89 teams; 82 Inches Perch: 10th out of 89 teams; 91 Inches Crappie: 22nd out of 89 teams; 102.25 Inches Pike: 33rd out of 89 teams; 95.75 Inches We also spent the weekend celebrating a special accomplishment of Master Angler for three of our teammates!  Out of 254 Students throughout the state; Austin Weber; finished 27th with 11 fish and 288” Bradan Hegemann-Lindau; finished 38th with 7 fish and 196” Jayden Hitchcock; finished 65th with 6 fish and 119.25” An extra special thank you to our Coach Jeff Klamik who has helped lead our team to victory for more than 8 years, you will be missed! To our Seniors, you will be missed!  Your leadership has helped to build next year’s team and the memories shared will last a lifetime.
25 days ago, KMHS Campus
I LOVE Being a LASER!!!! Purchase $15 or more and get a scratch-off ticket for instant savings or a free item. Promotion ends February 28th. Tuesday, Feb. 18: 2-6p Wednesday, Feb. 19: 3-7p
25 days ago, KMHS Campus
KMMS BOYS VOLLEYBALL!!! We are currently recruiting students for the Kettle Moraine Middle School Boys Volleyball program's Spring 2025 season. Sign up by March 7th to guarantee your spot on the team. The schedule for the season is linked on the sign up form and includes games against Arrowhead as well as a conference tournament. This is a great opportunity to join a successful middle school and high school program and gain valuable skills under coaches Van Dyke (current high school varsity coach) and Gulak (varsity coach 2002-2021). Contact Coach Van Dyke with questions (
26 days ago, KMSD
BIG FISH MUSICAL!!! March 6-8, 7pm and March 9, 2pm. Tickets are available here BIG FISH centers on Edward Bloom, a traveling salesman who lives life to its fullest… and then some! Edward’s incredible, larger-than-life stories thrill everyone around him. BIG FISH is an extraordinary Broadway musical that reminds us why we love going to the theatre – for an experience that’s richer, funnier and BIGGER than life itself.
26 days ago, KMSD
Big fish
PRESCHOOL SCREENINGS!!! March 7th from 9:00am-12:00pm at Dousman Elementary. Parents are a child’s first teacher and are key to a child’s overall growth. The Kettle Moraine School District strives to establish partnerships with families early in a child’s development to ensure the best opportunity for success when a child enters school. If you live in the Kettle Moraine School District and have concerns about your child who is between the ages 3 and 5 years old and has not yet attended kindergarten, consider scheduling a free screening. The District Early Childhood Team will facilitate a screening where each child will participate in a variety of play-based activities to assess communication, gross and fine motor skills, social/emotional development, and pre-academic skills. Sign up at or contact Sarai Wittig at with questions.
26 days ago, KMSD
CELEBRATING SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICERS!!! Our SROs do amazing work supporting our staff, students, families, and keeping order in our schools. Thank you for all that you do!
28 days ago, KMSD
RSVP NOW AND SPREAD THE WORD – THE KM SHOWCASE IS WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19TH FROM 5:30-7PM @ KMHS. THIS K-12 ENROLLMENT FAIR & COMMUNITY OPEN HOUSE EVENT IS OPEN TO ALL RESIDENTS/NON-RESIDENTS. Please RSVP so that we have an accurate count for Gift Bags at! Talk with administrators, staff, and students from all of our KM Schools! Get a personalized tour of the KMHS Campus, including all of our career pathways and subject areas. Watch video tours of our other Schools! Learn more about K-12 programs, curriculum, and offerings! Get information on the many athletic teams, clubs & activities that are available! Participate in interactive activities and WIN PRIZES!!! To learn more about the many choices in the Kettle Moraine School District... RSVP NOW!
29 days ago, KMSD
EMERGING MUSIC EDUCATOR OF THE YEAR!!! Emma Milton is the recipient of Civic Music Milwaukee's Emerging Music Educator of the Year Award. This award is presented to a teacher in their first 5 years in the classroom for their outstanding work in the field of music education. Although we all recognize Emma's amazing contributions to KM daily, what an honor for her to be recognized by an esteemed community organization as well! Congratulations, Emma, from your KM Music and Administrative teams; we are so grateful to have you in Kettle Moraine!
about 1 month ago, KMSD
NATIONAL MERIT FINALISTS!!! Madeline Bruss (KM Global) and Bridget Duffy (KMHS) have been recognized as Finalists in the 2025 National Merit Scholarship Competition. This is truly an incredible academic accomplishment! More than 1.5 million juniors nationwide entered the 2025 National Merit Scholarship Program by taking the Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/MNSQT) in the fall of their junior year. The 16,000 semifinalists represented less than one percent of U.S. high school seniors and included the highest scoring entrants in each state. To become a finalist and to be considered for a National Merit scholarship, each student was required to present an outstanding academic record throughout high school, be endorsed by their high school, and earn college entrance test scores that confirmed the student’s earlier performance on the qualifying SAT. Winners of National Merit Scholarship awards are chosen from the Finalist group based on their abilities, skills, and accomplishments. Scholarships will be awarded to approximately 7,000 finalists beginning in March, 2025.
about 1 month ago, KMSD
Please review the attached District Calendar for next year. Two updates were approved by our school board. Spring Break has changed to March 30th-April 6th, 2026 and there will be no school on Feb 13th, 2026.
about 1 month ago, KMSD
KM WRESTLING "FUN"RAISER!!! Help support Kettle Moraine's Wrestling Team by making a donation at The team has had a successful season, with four members placing first at the Classic 8 Wrestling Conference last Friday (Ava Shaikh at the Girls 107 lb weight class, Charis Guerra at the Girls 126 lb weight class, Spencer Prado at the Varsity 126 lb weight class, and Hunter Phillips at the Girls 138 lb weight class). The WIAA State Wrestling series officially starts this week, and the team is in need of funds so that they can order new Championship singlets for wrestlers who qualify for State. They also need to pay for necessary practice equipment and fund an overnight trip next season to complete in a tournament.
about 1 month ago, KMSD
HOST FAMILIES NEEDED!!! Several foreign exchange students need host families for the 25-26 school year at KMHS. We have a girl, Ines 16, from Argentina who loves movies, reading, travel, writing, horseback riding, cross country skiing and all things active and outdoors. According to Ines, "I consider myself an ambitious and brave person, and I believe that I can do anything that I put on my mind. Even if I struggle a lot, I know that eventually, I will achieve it. For me, both university and career goals are very important objectives in my life. At school, I have chosen biology related subjects, and have always been interested in being a biochemist or maybe a biotech." We also have a boy, Ludwig 16, who enjoys pop music, pets, reading, and sporting events. He plays basketball, soccer and tennis and loves American football. "I hope the program will make me more self-reliant, more flexible and that it will provide me with a more cosmopolitan outlook," said Ludwig. "After my year abroad, I will attend school for another 2 years to acquire a diploma which allows me to study at university. I would like to become a journalist." The students' families pay all expenses and provide their medical insurance. Our students speak English and want to learn about America. Please help them realize their dream, Contact Carrie asap for information at 414-899-3890 or
about 1 month ago, KMSD
KM CERAMICS STUDENTS ARE PERFECTING THEIR CRAFT!!! Mrs. Prokop provided tphotos of students throwing pottery on the potters wheels and glazing and hand building pieces! We frequently have projects available for "adoption" outside of the ceramics studio, so help yourself to this wonderful student work! You can also view a previous Capturing KM featuring students discussing how their pieces are produced
about 1 month ago, KMSD
AMAZING ARTWORK AT KM!!! Mrs. Yeager shared some wonderful photos of recent student work at KMHS. It is always rewarding to see students expressing themselves creatively through different techniques, styles, and media.
about 1 month ago, KMSD